

The Best Thing About Freeelancing

The biggest advantage to being a freelance writer is the sense of autonomy. As a freelance writer, I don't have to play office politics with anyone, ever. I never have to laugh at a joke I don't actually think is funny. I don't have to keep my mouth firmly shut while my boss shares his offensive political opinions. I don't have to attend sales meetings or look at motivational posters.

I don't even have a boss at all- I have clients instead. Of course, it's important for me to be respectful in my dealings with my clients, but a client doesn't expect the same kind of servile behavior so many bosses do. I deal with all my clients over the internet, which means that each of my clients has his or her own life (which I know nothing about) while I am also free to have my own private life (which they know equally little about). It's not that I don't want to have personal connections with other people, but that I prefer to choose who those people will be.


The internet gives me the freedom to do that, so that I can maintain a cordial professional relationship with whoever my current client happens to be, without feeling as if they've wormed their way into my private life somehow. Which brings me to one of the most glorious aspects of being a freelance writer. When I feel like having a drink with friends, I get to have a drink with my actual friends. I never, ever have to go out with coworkers, a custom I have always found particularly repellant as it effectively increases the length of your workday by hours. Yes, the life of a freelance writer is the perfect life for a curmudgeon like me!