Business cards are very easy to have printed. For just a few dollars, you can hire someone to design your cards for you, or you can use the free design options at places like to create your own. For the super frugal person, creating your own cards at home with a printer and some basic software is a great, affordable option. That’s how I do my own cards.
You can buy special business card paper with perforated edges so all you do is fold and snap the paper to get perfect cards every time. Avery is a top brand, and they have downloadable templates on their website to help you create a design that fits their card paper. With so many choices for getting quality business cards, there is no excuse to not have them.
Having business cards is a sign that you are a serious business, which lends credibility and can turn the tables in your favor when you meet a new prospect. Make a habit of carrying a handful of cards with you wherever you go, and even pin them up on bulletin boards at local stores to help spread the word about your business.