Cluttering your desk with papers and things to do is the type of distraction that adds unnecessary stress to your workday. It is too easy to get distracted by that bill that needs to be paid or the stack of papers that need to be filed. Putting them away, or at least having a dedicated place for items that need attention, will keep your mind clear and focused on your writing.
If your office is in a communal part of the house, like your kitchen table (been there, whew!), do what you can to keep other people’s clutter from taking over where you work. Make it a rule that your kids – if you have any – must keep their toys and projects away from the table while you are working. Sure, it’s the kitchen table and there for everyone, but not during work times.
Keeping your workspace neat and organized will help keep your tasks running smoothly, your mind clear from the stress of things yet undone, and improve your overall mood by looking tidy and clean. If you can improve one area of your home business methods, I think this should be the one. I can’t stress enough how important a clean workspace is.