In the modern world, poets-for-hire usually ply their trade online, advertizing their services largely through personal websites. I've never done this kind of work for money, but I've done essentially the same thing as a personal favor on several occasions. If a friend asks me to write a poem he can give his girlfriend, or something to read aloud at their wedding, I usually oblige.
Of course, that's a matter of my personal relationship with the person who's asking me. Poets-for-hire take it one step further, offering the same service for a fee to anyone in the world. The clients are generally asking for the same thing, though- a little literary help in the romance department. The quality of the poetry is likely to vary quite a bit from one poet to another, but if you don't feel confident enough to write your own love poem, this might be a good idea- and it's certainly a bit more imaginative than another bouquet.