Pulp Blogging?

Pulp Blogging?

Flash Fiction Possibilities

In the last two weeks I've been talking about the venues that used to exist for affordable writers to make a living by writing cheap adventure fiction. I said at the end of one of those blogs that the days of the pulp writer were probably gone forever. But I can think of one context in which they could possibly come back, if somebody with the right resources put the effort into it.


That context is blogging. People are very busy these days, and the pace of life is fast. Even a conventional short story is probably too long for most people. The blog format, however, is ideal for flash fiction- two hundred and fifty to five hundred words, serialized and updated frequently. The kind of thing you could read in the subway on your way to work, or maybe on your lunch break.

You could have all kinds of stories- fantasy, sci-fi, detective, horror. Every blog could end with a new cliff-hanger to keep the reader wanting more. You could not only sell advertising on the blog (for instance, a crime fiction blog could carry ads for new crime novels or movies), you could also work SEO writing into the stories themselves.


This is the only thing I can think of that could have the potential to bring back the golden era of pulp's glory days, when writers could make a living making up exciting stories. People used to really love those kinds of stories, and if they were presented in the right way, I think they could again.